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Quotes 2




Be silent yourself that will include silence in others. Do not fall into the habit of shouting, talking long and loud. Reduce contacts to the minimum. Carry with you an atmosphere of quiet contemplation, wherever you happen to be. There are some who live in a perpetual hullabaloo, in a tornado of noise. Whether they are in a exhibition or a fair or in a hotel or a temple or Prasanthi Nilayam, they wag their tongues and will not stop. These will not proceed on the God ward road.


The Avatar comes to transform humanity but this must take place through the transformation of individuals making up humanity. To raise bread we mix a pinch of yeast into the dough and the action of the yeast spreads throughout the mix, eventually leavening the entire loaf. So the Avatar works through individuals, transforming them into the divinity they essentially are. The light from the many individuals gradually dispells the darkness of ignorance, impacting all of humanity.


Control the senses, do not yield to their insistent demands for satisfaction. When a corpse is placed on a pyre, and the pyre is lit, both the corpse and the pyre are reduced to ashes. So too when the senses are negated, the mind too disappears. When the mind disappears, delusion dies and liberation is achieved


You must strive to diagnose your own character and discover the faults that are infesting it. Do not try to analyze the character of others. This self-examination is very necessary to bring to light the defects that might undermine one's spiritual career. People buy clothes with deep colors so that they may not reveal dust or dirt; they do not prefer white clothes, for they show plainly their soiled condition. But do not try to hide your dirt in darkness, be ashamed of soiled nature and endeavor to clean them fast.



Anger, malice, greed, envy; all these are obstacles in the path of love and co-operation. They lower man from the Divine to the animal level. Bear with others in patience and understanding; practice sahana (fortitude) and sympathy. Try to discover the point of contact, not of conflict. Spread brotherliness and deepen kindness through knowledge. Then life becomes worthwhile, without fail.


The universe is seen; it can be learnt about; it can be experienced and enjoyed. But, God is unseen. He has to be inferred through His handiwork. So, too, society to which social service can be rendered, cannot be seen as such. We can contact only individuals. But, through the individual, you infer the immanence of the Divine. All are actors on the world stage, in His play. Every atom is surcharged with His Power, His Might and His Glory, every being is surcharged with His Bliss, His Beauty and His Goodness.


When you develop your power of discrimination and become fully awake to the indwelling divinity, you will not suffer sorrow nor be subjected to fear. But as long as you have attachment to the body and attachment to objects, fear and suffering will be with you.


When you spend your time in thinking of God chanting His name, you will never come to grief. Follow the dictum (speak the truth, practice righteousness). You are bound to have success always. Truth is common to all countries and all times. If you follow truth, which is God, you will invariably do only righteous work. Divine love will flow to such persons. This will ensure your doing sacred work. There cannot be love without Dharma and Dharma without love.



God is in your heart. Wherever you go and whatever you do, it is known to God even if you think none has noticed it. People start worrying about petty temporary things which are passing clouds and sometimes falter in faith and devotion. This is not correct. You should never give up devotion. Your good work will beget God's grace without fail. Sin or merit comes only from your own deeds, not from outside.


Human lives are now passing on and on, filth over filth, bent, broken, diseased,distressed, and disheartened. To enrich their lives and make human heritage worthwhile, I have come, I am evincing all this enthusiasm to teach you the prayer attitude to seva, for Love expresses itself as seva, Love grows through seva, and Love is begun in the womb of seva. And God is Love. The Avathar is a child to the children, a boy to the boys, a man among men, a woman among women, so that the Avathar's message might reach each heart and receive enthusiastic response as Ananda. It is the compassion of the Avathar that prompts His every action.


Man is inherently Divine; he ought therefore demonstrate in thought, word and deed the Divine attributes of love, tolerance, compassion and humanity. God is Truth; man too must live in Truth. God is Love; man too must live in Love, eschewing anger. Master hatred through Love; master anger through sweet tolerance. There are many who bargain with God, and offer Him gifts of money or articles if He would confer Grace. If one believes that God can be mollified by the gift of a coconut or a purse of 116 rupees, I wonder what kind of God he has in his mind? Is his conception of God so mean, so contemptible? Those who plan to have their desires granted through riches can never deserve the name, devotee. Those who encourage the payment of money for spiritual gains or for gaining Divine favor are also to be condemned. This is the reason why the Gita lays down that God will be pleased by offering leaf, flower or fruit or even a drop of water. But even these four articles are materials.


Eat, but transform food into good deeds, good thoughts and sweet speech. Move, but do not cause pain to others or add to their misery. Do not condemn yourselves as weak, sinful, conceited, wicked, outlawed, mean, etc. When you so condemn yourselves, remember you are condemning Me, who is your inner Self. Live, so that with every breath and every step you come nearer and nearer to Me.



God, First; the World next, myself last! That is the legitimate sequence for the Sadhaka; ( A follower of spiritual discipline; one dedicated to attaining the Goal of spirituality.) and, who is not a Sadhaka? You have to be one, now or later, so that you can be liberated from this cycle of birth-death! Now, Man, in his callousness towards his own welfare, has turned it topsy-turvy! It is myself first, the world next, and God is last. So, God is lost too! Hold fast to God; then, you will be safe.

Even if you have no steady faith in God or in any particular Name or Form of that Immanent Power, start by controlling the vagaries of the mind, the pulls of the ego, the attractions of the sense attachment. Be helpful to others; then, your conscience itself will appreciate you and keep you happy and content, though others may not thank you. Life is a steady march towards a goal, it is not a meaningless term of imprisonment or a stupid kind of picnic. Be patient, humble; don't rush to conclusions about others and their motives.


It does not matter if you do not undertake any spiritual practice, but develop Truth and Love. Where there is Truth, Love, Righteousness and Peace there will not be any violence of any kind . Since these four are absent, the world is full of violence
